Tuesday 9 April 2013

09/04/2013 - Breaking Dormancy of Seed In Propagate Plants From Seeds Unit 20557

Hot Water Treatment - Some seed with hard or impermeable seed coats can be prepared for sowing by treating the seeds with hot water. This extracts sufficient "water proofing" and allows the seed to take up water and swell. 

Using three volume of water to volume of seeds, place the seeds in a shallow dish and pour hot water that has just gone off the boil over them. Do not use more than this ratio of water otherwise the temperature will be too high for too long and this may cause damage to the embryo. Place the dish in a warm environment, leave for 24 hours. If the seed do not swell, repeat the exercise.

My Plant Propagation Class with Ms. Lisa Short on 09/04/2013 was sowing Clianthus puniceus commonly known as kaka beak, is a species of flowering plant in the genus Clianthus of the legume family Fabaceae, native to New Zealand's North Island.

Before choosing a container decide how much seed to be sown. Then heap the container with QS mix with Base Supstate soil and to ensure it is evenly distributed and there are no air locks, very lightly firm it to the corners and base using the fingers. Do not compact the compost. Strike off the compost with the presser board so that it is level with the top of the container ensuring that the surface is level. Water the container from the host and direct it over the compost once an even flow is attained. Label the container with seed full name and date of sowing. 

-----------PS4 consists of 62 seeds

The container is now prepared for sowing. The seeds is sown evenly over the surface. If the seed is uneven size, station sow at recommended spacing. Then placed the container in the nursery.

Then the seed of Dianthus confetti approximately of 40 pieces and 55 pieces, before sowing any seed check the specific germination requirements for the plant species. Choose two containers size appropriate to the quantity and size of the seed sown. Wide shallow container are usually best. Then loosely fill the containers and remove any large lumps. use a float to remove any excess, level the containers and then gently firm. Water the containers and allow to drained. Label the container with the botanical name and date.

----------PS5 consists of 40 pieces

----------PS6 consists of 55 pieces

Sow seeds thinly and evenly across the surface of the media. To obtain a more even coverage, the seeds can be divided into two amounts with the second amount sown at right angles to the first. Before covering the seed re-check the germination requirements. Gently shake some vermiculite over the container and cover the seed by sieving low over. Apparently, place the container in the appropriate germination environment such as Polygrow Nursery Block L.

---------PS5 & PS6 after sieve with vermiculite

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