Monday 8 April 2013

08/04/2013 - Identifying Different Parts of The Plant Propagation Unit

Use eight different photographs to illiustrate the different parts of a plant. Each photographmust be correctly labelled with name of the plant part.
Terminal Bud-------

As the tip of a shoot is an apical bud, which can also be termed a terminal bud as it terminates the shoot. This bud is not associated with a leaf. The bud at the very tip of the stem.

Petiole -----

A petiole is the small portion of a plant that attaches the leaf to the stem. Petiole have more than one important and essential function. While the main purpose of a leafstalk is to connect a plant's leaves with a plant stem, these small sections of a plant can also predict any diseases that a plant may encounter. Keeping an eye on petiole is a great way to ensure that your plants are in good health at all times.

Midrib or main vein ---

The central of largest vein of a leaf or carpel. The midrib is the largest vein that runs through the middle of a leaf. It is easiest seen in leaf  or it may be protruding above the surface.

The midrib may be contained within the leaf or it may be protruding above the surface.

In most leaves, the midrib extends beyond the leaf and becomes the petiole, which is a leaf stalk that joins the leaf to the trunk.


The section of stem between two nodes. If the nodes are crucial "organ" of the plant, the internodes are the blood vessels carrying water, hormones and food from node to node.

Usually internodes seem long and provide spacing between nodes of many inches. However some plants are notable for how close together their leaves and thus their nodes always are. The space between the leaves and the stem is called the internode.

Nodes ---

Nodes are the points on a stem where the buds, leaves and branching twigs originate. They are crucial spots on the plant where important healing, structural support and biological processes take place.
Segment of stem where leaves and lateral buds are attached. When the leaves join the stem is called the node.


The stem is the stalk of a plant or the main trunk of the tree. The stem is a part of the plant that holds up other structures such as the leaves and flowers. The stem conducts water, minerals and food to other parts of plants; it may also store food and green stems themselves produce food.

Stems carry water and nutrients taken up by the roots to the leaves. Stems also provide support for the plant allowing the leaves  to reach the sunlight that they need to produce food.

Lateral or axilliary bud ----

Buds that develop along the length of the stem within the leaf axil. A bud located on the side of the stem, usually in a leaf axil. The axillary bud is a bud that develops in the axil of a leaf of a plant. Axillary buds develop from the nodes which then becomes a new stem. Sometimes from axillary buds instead of branches also arise flowers. A bud that is borne at the axil of a leaf and is capable of developing into a branch shoot or flower cluster.


The surface of leaf. The thin and usually flattened blade of a leaf.


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