Tuesday 21 May 2013

21/05/2013 on Plant Propagation Unit 20557 - Pricking Out And Potting On

On 21/05/2013 @  Tuesday the class -  Plant Propagation on pricking out and potting on the plant Dianthus confetti. As soon as the seedlings are large enough to handle they should be spaced further apart or put into individual pots to allow for maximum growth.
Always do this as soon as the first seedlings leaves and fully developed and before the next few leaves form. At this stage - root system large enough to survive but not so large and should handle it carefully.

When lifting seedlings by holding the plant by one seed leaf, not by the stems. These stem is easily crushed and the plant may wilt and die.

Firstly, fill in with many small square pots to the top with potting mix then level off with a level board. Firmly mix lightly so that the level is just below the top of the pot.

Secondly, remove the seedlings gently, lift plant by one seed leaf while prising loose the root system with a dibber at the same time. Seedling should come easily with the root system intact.

Thirdly, make a hole with a dibber in the medium, large enough for the root system to be placed in without being bent upwards. Then gently firm the mix around the seedling. Prick out seedlings into row and than evenly spaced apart.

Finally once the tray is full with small pots which is approximately 45 small little pots. Once finished labelled  and water them gently. Then placed them in a sheltered area to grow on. Plants must be well watered as soon as possible after pricking out or potting on. Fungicide may be added to the water.

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