Thursday 23 May 2013

23/05/2013 - Hedge Pruning Unit 21032

My morning class was on Hedge Pruning with Kim Thomas. The class was cancelled due to wet day and I stayed on in Poly Grow Nursery and observed all the plant propagation in the Greenhouse. Then i started to pricking out and potting on the plant named  Corokia x virgata which was cultivated from well branch shrubs with different leaf colours.
"Corokia x vigrata"  of 20 pieces of small pots

Firstly, fill in with many small square pots to the top with potting mix then level  Firmly mix lightly so that the level is just below the top of the pot. Remove the seedlings gently, lift plant by one seed leaf while prising loose the root system from the old small plastic container and replaced it with small pots. Pricking out is the process of transferring seedlings from their first home  to the individual containers. 
The term "Potting on" is the name applied to moving a plant into a bigger container. It is a task that needs to be done with some care. The seedlings should lift up to avoid accidental damage. A plant can be replace by damage leaves, but not a damaged stems.   

Finally once the tray is full with small pots which is approximately 20 small pots. Once finished labelled  and water them gently. Then placed them in a sheltered area to grow on. Plants must be well watered as soon as possible after pricking out or potting on. Fungicide may be added to the water.

The weather was cloudy but no rain falls with temperature was 11degree Celsius. Humidity was 80%. 

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