Sunday 31 March 2013

31/03/2013 - Gardening at Backyard of the House

Terry Tempest Williams quotes..........."My people believe if you are close to Earth, you are close to people......What an African woman nurtures in the soil will eventually feed her family. Likewise what she nurtures in her relations will ultimately nurture her community. It is a matter of living the circle .......Because we have forgotten our kinship with the land, our kinship with each other has become pale".

On these leave Saturday and Sunday I have nothing to do so I decided to go to the garden at the back of my house where there are strawberries plants. It's rare to have an imported, store-bought strawberry taste as good as a freshly picked strawberry.

They are so perfectly ripe that the smell of the patch draws you from across the garden.

Picked strawberries in the morning, when the fruits are cool and immediately put them in the refrigerator. Wait until just before you eat or cook them to rinse the strawberries throughly with cool water. Extra strawberries can be frozen, dried or made into jam or preserves.

Enough experimenting, time to simply and settle in. When the clean up was done I replant the system of renewing one row of the four plus taking out any other plants that aren't thriving. But it has been fun, and many, many nice harvests of delicious strawberries.

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