Tuesday 26 March 2013

26/03/2013 - Propagation Plants from Seeds Unit 20557

On the same day on @ 26/03/2013 the propagation on seed germination from the seeds Sophora tetraptera.

 ----PS1 consists of 15 seeds

I chosed a wide shallow container size appropriate to the quantity and size of the seed sown. Use a float to remove any excess, level it gently. Water the container and allow to drained.

Nicking the seed - Chip a seed of hard seed coat Sophora  tetraptera with a razor blade until the seed itself exposed and water can be taken up. Do not cut the embryo.  

Loosely fill the rectangular container with the seeds. The main advantage of sowing seed in containers is that the germinating seeds can be placed in a carefully controlled environment to ensure good growth. The mix should be firmed into the container and ensure evenly spaced holes should should be made with a pointed stick or dibble. Sow the seed thinly and evenly across the surface. To obtain a more even coverage, the seeds can be divided into two amounts with the second amount sown at right angles to the first. The aim is to get the seeds evenly spread, so that they are not all clumped together.

I labelled the containers with the botanical name and date accordingly.
The Seed is batched under Batch Ref No of PS1 which is chipped of 15 pieces and PS2 of 10 pieces on 25/03/2013 and PS3 of 35 pieces on 09/04/2013.

The main advantages :-
  • of sowing seed in containers is that the germinating seed can be placed in a carefully controlled environment to ensure good growth. 
  • no pots, trays or potting mix have to be bough
  • less daily maintenance
  • the plant that grown will not become root bound and can grow unchecked.
The main disadvantages :-
  • little control over the weather so seeds can only be sown at favourable times of the year
  • soil may require a lot of cultivation and additions to make suitable for good germination.
  • weeds can be a serious problem - e.g. pests, slugs and snails.

----PS2 consists of 10 seeds

For plastic seed trays are good for seedlings. Scatter about ten to fifteen seeds and press into the damp mix and cover it. The container must keep seeds moist but not wet.  
                                                  ----PS3 consists of 35 seeds

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