Tuesday 9 July 2013

09/07/2013 - Research For The Month of February

Actual Temperature
8 degrees Celsius
Humidity : 82%
Rainfall : 0.00mm
Wind : Lighty Wind

 Foliar Feeding

Liquid fertilizers applied once a fortnight in the growing season will help to boost growth, flowering and fruiting. When plants are stressed by weather changes, or lack nutrients, they can be fed quickly and efficiently through the stomata, or tiny pores under the leaves which absorb nutrients. Feed with liquid fertiliser in the evening or early morning. The roots of many vegetables are unable to process micro-nutrients in cold weather. Foliar feedings allows micro-nutrients, such as iron, to be absorbed by leaves, boosting growth.

Getting Ready

This is a month when autumn is beginning to be felt in the south of the country. In the far north, summer conditions continue but by the end of the month the nights are beginning to draw in. February is one of the driest months of the year and keeping crops watered can prove trying for even the most determined gardener. Ensure the plants get a deep soaking, and water in the cool of the evening or in the morning to prevent evaporation.  Ample, deep, even moisture is important when growing vegetables. Letting the ground dry out can cause serious damage to seedlings and germinating seed. 

As the season cools in some areas, the focus of the month also falls on sowing or planting cool season vegetables. Regular side dressings with a general-purpose or liquid fertiliser will boost plant growth and ensure a good crop. Keep the weeds down in the vegetable garden with regular hoeing. This aerates the soil and aids moisture retention. Any compost that hasn't been used can also mulched around the mulched around the roots of plants to help converse valuable moisture.

Frost-prone Areas

Onions should be pulled as they ripen, dried and stored. Swede and turnip can be sown or planted out. Bok choy, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, parsley, kale, and kohlrabi can be planted out or sown if conditions are very mild. Perpetual beet is ideal for sowing or planting in colder districts and will provide valuable greens throughout the winter.

Pick the last tomatoes as soon as they show colour and ripen inside, and make fortnightly sowings of salad crops such as cos lettuce, chicory, kale and leek.

Frost-free Areas

Both dwarf and climbing beans can still be planted with the expectation of a reasonable crop if plants with the expectation of a reasonable crop if plants are watered regularly and generously.

New Zealand spinach will rush into growth if seed is sown in a moist, rich soil. Now is also a good time to sow seeds of bok choy, beetroot, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, endive, parsley, kale, kohlrabi, leek, lettuce, peas, radish, silver beet and spinach.

A few tomato seedlings and late potatoes can be planted out in warm areas in the expectation of a last crop before autumn.


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