Tuesday 30 July 2013

30/07/2013 - Plant Propagation Unit 20557 and Soil Unit 22175

Actual Temperature
8.1 degrees Celsius
Humidity : 78%
Rainfall : 0.00mm
Wind : Calm

My class was conducted by Lisa Short on 30/07/2013. In the morning section monitored on the seedlings such as Digitalis summer king which is healthy and root growing gently, Sophora tetraptera seedlings are quite slow but there are more growth. Others seedlings are just growing slowly.  Thymus vulgaris has healthy roots and doing good. Veronica "Emerald Green" has good root growth and plant is healthy. Juniper media blaauw the plant is healthy but growth is slow. Dianthus confetti seedlings showing good growth and  more healthier. Sweet pea - cupid drawrf (Lathyrus cupid) seedlings as good growth and looks healthy. 

As I saw the Lupin gallery mix  seeds are developing in a fully developed stage with many seedling leaves. Pricked out and potting on was done on this seedlings with 28 small pots.

Clianthus puniceus seedlings are doing good and they are healthy. Pricked out and potted on seedlings under 12 small pots. 

Veronica topiaria hard wood cutting was transferred to five new small pots mainly because some have no roots developing. 

In afternoon class was Soil Unit 22175 with Lisa Burton. Soil Texture the relative proportion of sand, silt and clay give soil its texture. Soil texture gives a good indication of other soil properties such as water storage, drainage and nutrient supply. Soil texture can be estimated in the field by hand texturing and determined in the laboratory by mechanical analysis.

Sandy soils are usually have many large pore spores, contains little organic matter, drain quickly and hold little water for plants, may even repel water if dry, are easy to cultivate, warm up quickly due to lack of water in soil, don't hold nutrients well and have good aeration.

Clay soils usually have small pore spaces between the clay particles, hold water, drain very slowly and so are easily water logged, can be difficult to cultivate i.e. sticky when wet and hard and cloddy when dry, hold a moderate amount of organic matter and nutrients, can compact when wet and crack when dry, warm up slowly due to the amount of water in the soil.

Loams are usually ideal for growing plants, are easy to cultivate, provide good conditions for root growth, drain easily yet hold water and nutrients for plants, have a wide range or compositions, are well aerated and are fertile and easily managed.

Lisa also emphasis on soil structure and show the types of soils behind Block L. Soil structure refers to the way in which the mineral particles are grouped together or aggregated. Soils with the same texture can have very different structures.

What holds aggregate together? Mirco-organism are the main agents for binding soil particles together. These organisms break down organic matter in soil and in the process, produce organic compounds that cement soil particles together.

Factor holds aggregate together : 
  • organic matter
  • clay
  • fungal threads
  • bacteria "gum"
  • worms - producing casts and gums
  • calcium
  • other compounds such as iron
  • plant root (as they expand they force soil particles together)

Class adjourned at 3.00pm. 


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