Monday 29 July 2013

29/07/2013 - Research On Nutrient Deficiencies in Plants

Actual Temperature
13 degrees Celsius
Humidity : 78%
Rainfall : 0.00mm
Wind : Calm

In the early stages of deficiency, or in mild deficiencies, the only sign of the deficiency is somewhat retarded growth. This is difficult to pick up without a nearby well-fed plant for comparison. Analysis of leaves from the plant can sometimes pin-point the deficiency, but this course of action is not often open to home gardeners.

More severe deficiencies announce their presence by the plant's leaves developing off-colours or distortions that are characteristic for each deficiency and that vary somewhat from species to species. Multiple deficiencies greatly complicate the symptoms. 

The following information should help you in determining the cause of poor growth and off colours if these are due to nutrient deficiency.

Nutrient Deficiencies in Plants Symptoms appears first in the OLDEST leaves :

  • Nitrogen - general yellowing, often with reddening, stunning, leaf drop, premature maturity.
  • Magnesium - patchy yellowing between veins, strong reddening, especially around edge of yellow zones
  • Potassium - scorched margins, spots surrounded by pale zones, younger leaves may show red pigmentation.
  • Phosphorus - poor growth, erect habit, lack lustre look, blue-green, purple colours.
  • Molybdenum - mottling over whole leaf, cupping of leaves and distortion of stems.
  • Cobalt - legumes only, as for nitrogen
Symptoms may appear first in either the OLDEST or YOUNGEST leaves, but often first in the MIDDLE leaves.

  • Manganese - inter venal yellowing; veins pale green, diffuse, water-soaked spots, worst in dull weather.
Symptoms appear first in the YOUNGEST leaves
  • Calcium - tip hooking, blackening and death
  • Sulphur - yellowing, usually of whole plant, leaves small with rolled down edges, some pigmentation
  • Iron - yellowing between the veins, which remain sharply green, youngest leaves almost white if severe
  • Copper - death of tips, yellowing of leaves, distorted young growth, severe decrease in flowering
  • Zinc - small leaves, bunching of young leaves, yellow-white mottling
  • Boron - margins chlorotic (yellow), crumpling, blackening, distortion, death of growing tips

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