Thursday 20 June 2013

20/06/2013 - Organic Unit 10325

The class was Lisa Burton on 20/06/2013. She was touching on Introduction Organic Horticulture. 
The Society Influences on the Development of Organic Horticulture.

  • Social influence occurs when an individual thoughts, feelings or actions are affected by other people.
  • Social influence takes as many forms and can be seen in conformity, socialisation, peer, pressure, obedience, leadership, persuasion, sales and marketing.
Social influences on the Development of Organic Horticulture such as sustainability. What is sustainability? Meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of the future generation's to meet their needs.

Sustainability is about stabilising the currently disruptive relationship  between earth's two complex systems - human culture and the living world.

Sustainability is the capacity to endure. In ecology the world describes how biological systems to remain diverse and productive overtime. For humans it is potential for long term maintenance of well being.    

Organic Horticulture helps to sustain :-
  • Bio diversity 
  • environmental health
  • Community development
  • Economic development
  • Human health
What is sustainable? 
  1. we take what nature replaces
  2. we make what nature can process
  3. we avoid breaking nature
  4. we are equitable
Operating within the system condition such as :

1. What we take - Reduce reliance or mind resources
2. What we make - Use products and materials that nature can process
3. What we break - Prevent destruction of natural environment
4. How we share the material - look after everybody in the process.

Environment Awareness :
- Water pollution of lake of streams and beaches
- Loss of degradation
- Air pollution from traffic
- Modification of natural landscapes
- Air pollution from domestic fire and local fire power station

Schematic drawing causes and effects of air pollution such as greenhouse effect, particulate contamination, increase in radiation, acid rain, increase ozone concentration, increased level of nitrogen oxides.

Environmental Awareness :-

- reduced use of fossil fuels by walking / cycling to your local farmer's market
- buy organic food that has not been transported from overseas.
- buy organic food that has not required synthetic pesticides to produce it.

Lisa also elaborate on Globalisation such as
1. How has Globalisation effect the World?
2. Globalisation describes a process by which economics and societies

Globalisation on the area such as was on 
  • Industrial                                         
  • Financial
  • Competition
  • Ecological
  • Cultural
  • International travel
  • Immigration
  • spread to local products
Weather : It was a wet day raining heavily. Temperature : 4 degrees Celsius.  Light Wind  and Humidity : 78%.

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