Tuesday 18 June 2013

19/06/2013 - Produce A Nursery Crop Unit 20567

Today my class was with Lisa Short on Nursery Crop in Y108 at 9.00am. She was intoducing us to New Unit on "What a good Production Plan?" The identification of key tasks or the job required to be completed anually for the crop is very important. The main key task is depending on crop type but could includes of these such as:
  • Propagation
  • Pricking Out
  • Potting up or potting on
  • Planting out
  • Picking over
  • Irrigation
  • Fertilising
  • Pollination
  • Spraying
  • Prunning
  • Mulching
  • Weed Control
  • Harvesting
  • Packing
  • Monitoring and recording information
The important of plant planning helps to ensure that the problems is identified before the plants are damaged and that the growing environment is managed correctly.
  • Key tasks / job are identified
  • Key dates for production are met
  • Adequate staffing is available
  • Nursery supplies are available
  • Nursery space are available
  • Syetem in place to monitor performance and be able to make changes.  
Lisa was teaching us the purpose of this unit and required to plan a single small crop. Good planning will ensure that you are aware of the risks and that you have strategies pre-prepared to handle changes. Risk of poor production planning will result in the crop being late, poor crop size or quality and pest and diseases may increasse if miss spray application dates.
Apart form that Lisa determine on which plant material and varities to grow. and it must be marketable at a profit.The market demand has a huge influence on the grow such as colours, flavour. size, volume required, demand for local or exsport products and competitors.
Aparently, Lisa was discussing on the Assessment on Produce a Nursery Crop and at the same time hand over a List of Seed Plants that we choice and monitor on  production plan is vital.  All the monitoring includes daily records such as observations, timing, notes, field inspections of jobs, the quality checklist to ensure tasks have been completed correctly on time, records of efficiency, climate records and crop samplings and maturity records. 

Climate for today : Mostly Cloudy day with temperature of  5 degrees Celsius and windy. Rainfall : 0.00mm.

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