Wednesday 12 June 2013

12/06/2013 - Plant Propagation From Seed Unit 20557

My class was conducted by Lisa Short on 12/06/2013. In the morning monitored on the seedlings such as "Lupin gallery mix" which is healthy and root growing gently, Sophora tetraptera seedlings are quite slow in growings. Others seedlings are just growing slowly.  Clianthus puniceus are doing good and they are healthy.

As soon as the seedlings are large enough to handle and they should be spaced further apart or put into individual small pots to allow for maximum growth. As I saw the Digitalis summer king seeds are developing in a fully developed stage with first seedling leaves. Do this as soon as the first seedlings leaves are fully developed and before the next few leaves form. At this stage - root system large enough to survive but not so large.

 35 pots small little pots of Digitalis Summer King 

Firstly we fill in the small little pots to the top with potting mix then level off with my hand. Firm mix lightly so that the level is just below the top of the small little pots. Then I try to remove the seedlings gently by lifting plant by one seed leaf while prising loose the root system with a dibber at the same time.

The seedling should come free with the root system and make a hole with a dibber in the medium, large enough for the root system to be placed in without being bend upwards. Gently firm the mix around the seedlings. Prick out seedlings into rows, and evenly spaced apart.

Once all the small little pots are fully fit in the tray which is approximately 35 pots, then labeled and water them gently. Then the tray are placed in  a sheltered area to grow on. Plants must be watered as soon as possible after pricking out and potting on.

Another plant on pricking out and potting on is the plant Dianthus confetti. As soon as the seedlings are large enough to handle they should be spaced further apart or put into individual pots to allow for maximum growth and pricked out approximately 15 small pots.

Weather  Forecast : 8.6 degree Celsius Actual Temperature. Wind speed was 21KM/H. Humidity was 83%. Rainfall: 0.00mm.
(in last 10 minutes)
(latest hourly observation)

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