Tuesday 11 June 2013

11/06/2013 - Tool Kit for Propagator's and Gardening

Good Tools make an enormous difference to the ease with which you'll be able to propagate your plants.  They can also make the difference between failure and success. So your first task as a plant propagator is to collect the tools you'll need for the propagation.

Hand tools - These are the mainstay of the propagator's tool kit. You'll rely on pruners and knifes to take cuttings, knives to make grafts, and spades and spading forks to divide plants. 

Garden Fork is the simplest way to aerate the turf deeply enough to relieve compaction.

Small Trower with its sharp tines, a hand fork is easy to stab into the soil (most soil) making it great for planting, transplanting, aerating, weeding and mixing additives into your soil. The hand fork makes a good all-around garden tool, especially in tight places.

Besom a brushing is necessary for a variety of jobs such as fallen leaves, twigs, dead grass. A besom or birch broom is usually considered more suitable than a stiff yard brush. Do not need to buy costly broom, but do replace it when the bristles are worn. 

Spring Tine Rake is essential for cleaning up the lawn surface in the spring and for the removal of leaves and other debris in autumn. This treatment has a tonic effect by preventing the build-up of thatch. 

Watering Can usually is too small for watering, but very useful for the application of weedkillers, moss killers and liquid feeds.

Hose and sprinkler is the effect of drought is more serious than just unsightly browning - the weakened grass is susceptible to weed and moss invasion once the rain returns. Many people say convenience is the biggest advantage to an automatic system since they don't have to spend their time watering by hand or moving the hose around the yard. Others say extended plant life and lower water usage are the most important benefits. Still others believe a sprinkler system is one of the best investments that they can make in their home, since a home’s appearance is a key factor in determining market value.

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