Saturday 17 August 2013

17/08/2013 - Research on Standard Roses

Actual Temperature
10 degrees Celsius
Humidity : 72%
Rainfall : 7.8 mm
Wind : Moderate Wind

Hybrid Tea and Floribunda roses are frequently grown as standars, of half standards, to give height among bedding roses in the garden, where they can be extremely effective, particularly if used formal conteext. They are usually budded on stes of Rosa rugosa or common briar, but have become less popular in recent years as the head is often frequently top-heavy and the slender stem requires careful staking to maintain the formal habit. Initial pruning and sebsequent treatment is similiar to that given  to the same varities when grown as bushes.

Light pruning leaves a fairly large head on a standard which is liable to wind damage, particularly in exposed gardens. Moderately severe pruning appropriate to the variety should be practised.

With Hybrid Teas cut back strong shoots to 3 - 5 eyes or 6 in. With Floribundas cut back one year old growth to 6 -8 eyes or 10 in and two years old shoots to 3 - 6 eyes or 6 in.

Floribunda Roses

Hybrid Roses
The first year :-

  • February to March - Cut back strong stems to 3 - 5 eyes or 6 in.
  • October to November - At the end of the season's growth, tip back main stems and cut out any soft, unripe shoots.

Second and subsequent years :-

  • February to March - Cut out dead, diseased, weak and crossing stems.
  • At the same time, cut back new shoots to 3- 5 eyes or 6 in and remaining laterals to 2 - 4 eyesor 4 - 6 in. 

Budding Standard Roses - Standard roses are best propagated by inserting growing buds each side, of the stem in order to obtain an even head ; if only one bud is used one-sided growth normally occurs, so before you buy a standard make sure it is double-budded.

Pruning Objectives:Improve Air Circulation, Deadhead for Rebloom, Shape/Maintenance, Remove Old Canes, Crossing Stems, Weak Wood and Dead, Damaged or Diseased Root Stock

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