Wednesday 21 August 2013

21/08/2013 - Soil Unit 22175 and Establish And Maintain Plant Collections Unit 21026

Actual Temperature
15 degrees Celsius
Humidity : 70%
Rainfall : 0.00mm
Wind : Moderate Wind

My morning class was with Lisa Short on Soil Unit. We watch a video on Dirt for 1 1/2 hours. DIRT the Movie is an insightful and timely film that tells the story of the glorious and unappreciated material beneath our feet.  DIRT The Movie takes a humorous and substantial look into the history and current state of the living organic matter that we come from and will later return to. The movie DIRT will make  us want to get dirty!

After the movie we worked on Soil Assessment till lunch.

In the afternoon was Plant Collection Unit with Lisa Burton. She was assigning the class on which area the placement to work on every Wednesday for approximately nine weeks. She was elaborating on how to describe a plant, how to establish of a specific plant, maintain a plant and purpose of plant a plant collection.  A group of plants connected as a theme, aesthetic purpose, scientific plant of educational conversation.

Assessment Task for Practical Checklist :

  • Tools and equipment are selected for specified use and are used safely and in accordance with workplace procedures
  • Weeds are controlled in ways that are appropriate to the collection by (removal by hand trowel or  remove by push hoe or removal by mulching) 
  • Plant collection is watered as required to maintain soil moisture to at least depth of root growth : Watering method used either hand-held equipment or irrigation system
  • side dressings of fertilisers are applied following workplace procedures
  • soil is prepared by cultivation and / or composting, raking, etc
  • planting up or removal and replacement of plants as required, is carried out
  • Plant growth is maintained in accordance with the collection plan - Maintenance may include - dead heading, trimming back of perennial and/or trees, staking and tying of perennials and/or trees, corrective pruning / training of shrubs / trees / climbers, pest and disease control, remove of dead, damaged or diseased plant material, mulching raking or sweeping paths, trimming grass edges.
  • Plant collection, including lawns and surrounding areas, are kept clear of rubbish and plant debris
  • Garden waste is disposed of appropriately and area left tidy
  • Tools and equipment are cleaned and stored in accordance with workplace procedures
  • Plants are clearly identified and labelled - common name, botanical name
  • Plant collection records are accurate and maintained in accordance with workplace procedures
  • Records are kept safe and secure in accordance with workplace procedures.
Class adjourned at 2.30pm. 

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