Tuesday 20 August 2013

20/08/2013 - Plant Propagation Unit 20557

Actual Temperature
13 degrees Celsius
Humidity : 67%
Rainfall : 0.00mm
Wind : Moderate Wind

My class was conducted by Lisa Short on Plant Propagation Unit for the whole day @ morning and afterrnoon section. We work out in nursery and as well as on the blogs.  In the morning section monitored on the seedlings such as Digitalis summer king which is healthy and root growing gently but plants are dense and to big in smaller pots, Sophora tetraptera seedlings are still quite slow but there are more growth. Juniper media blaauw plant was healthy but growth is still slow. Dianthus confetti seedlings showing good growth plant grow much taller and more healthier. Sweet pea - cupid drawrf (Lathyrus cupid) seedlings as good growth and looks healthy and more leaves shoots. Clianthus puniceus seedlings are doing good and healthy. Veronica topiaria was healthy and no trace of wilting. Lupin gallery mix seedlings is getting taller and much more greener. Veronica "Emerald Green" hardwood cutting are healthier and no wilt are traces of pest and diseases.

Today, again I shifted Digital summer king seedlings to bigger tubes because the plant growed to fast and more bigger leaves. Pricked out from smaller tubes to potting in bigger tubes approximately 12 tubes.

Thymus vulgaris cutting was healthy and shifted to bigger tubes. The were 13 healthy cuttings which has good roots and plant doing good.

In the afternoon section is still the Plant Propagation Unit and I worked on my blog and worked out the questions on Soil Assessment. 

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