Friday 13 September 2013

13/09/2013 - Revegetation Unit 21033 & Vermiculture Unit 21049

Actual Temperature
13 degrees Celsius
Humidity : 78%
Rainfall : 0.00mm
Wind : Moderate Wind

Today my morning class with Lisa Burton on Revegetation Unit. She was discussion the varies kind of trees and shrubs in Dunedin Coastal such as Coprosma crassifolia, Kunzea ericoides, Leptospermum scoparium, Myoporum laetum, Myrsine australis, Pittosporum tenuifolium, Podocarpus totara, Pseudopanax crassifolius. 

Revegetation is the term used when planting New Zealand native plants to recreate a natural bush environment, where no bush existed before. 

Reasons for revegetation

  • Conservation
  • Erosion control
  • Preservation of bush remnants
  • Encouraging native birds
  • Weed control on difficult sites
  • Preventing fertiliser run offs into streams

Site Selection

 Use naturally defined areas such as - gullies, corners, step faces, stream edges and existing bush remnants.

Revegetation is undertaken for a variety of purposes including:
  • 􏰀  for native products, such as cut flowers and foliage, bush foods, biomass production and
  • 􏰀  to control weeds.
  • 􏰀  to stabilise soil;
  • 􏰀  to reduce or control salinity;
  • 􏰀  to manage pests, for example, attracting native birds to control insects;
  • 􏰀  as habitat for native wildlife;
  • 􏰀  to enhance rare or threatened species or plant communities;
  • 􏰀  to enhance existing native vegetation;
  • 􏰀  to reverse tree decline;
  • 􏰀  to act as a sink for greenhouse gases;
  • 􏰀  for seed orchards or seed production areas to ensure future seed resources;
  • 􏰀  to improve water quality;
  • 􏰀  to improve the amenity around homes and buildings;
  • 􏰀  for aesthetic reasons, for example, screening unwanted views;
  • 􏰀  to create a pleasant living and working environment;
  • 􏰀  for social and educational purposes. 

In the afterrnoon we had a Vermiculture Unit with Kim Thomas. Firstly, we had  Assessment No 2 and then went to Polygrow Nursery to sow seeds experimenting on  media such as peat, compact and vermiculture compact eg. Lettuce (frilly mix), brussels sprouts (Drumtight) and Parsley (triple curled).

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