Tuesday 24 September 2013

24/09/2013 - Propagation Unit 20557 & Turf Unit 24646

Actual Temperature
12 degrees Celsius
Humidity : 78%
Rainfall : 0.00mm
Wind : Moderate Wind

My class was conducted by Lisa Short on Plant Propagation Unit in the morning. We work out in nursery and as well as on the blogs.  In the morning section monitored on the seedlings such as Sophora tetraptera seedlings are still quite slow but there are more growth. Juniper media blaauw plant was healthy but growth is still slow. Digital summer king seedlings  showing good growth plant grow more healthier. Sweet pea - cupid drawrf (Lathyrus cupid) seedlings as good growth and looks healthy and more leaves shoots. Dianthus confetti seedlings are doing good and healthy. Veronica topiaria was healthy and no traces of wilting. Veronica "Emerald Green" hardwood cutting are healthier and no wilt are traces of pest and diseases. Thymus vulgaris cutting was still healthy and has no sign of wilting. Lupin gallery mix was healthy has more healthier leaves and good growth. All plants are free from any pest and diseases. Clianthus puniceus was doing good and more healthy. Lemon Grass (Cymbopogon ciratus) seedling has little trace of growing. Origanum vulgare is doing good and healthy but no trace of roots.

In the afternoon we had Turf Unit with Alan. We were removing all the debris in the lawn behind O Block with Ready lawn Food and together with Annual Ryegrass fertiliser.  Applying a top dressing to your lawn is appropriate when it needs a boost of nutrients, is uneven or contains holes. We undertake top dressing to repair holes or uneven lawn just prior to the growing season, usually the beginning not when the lawn plants are in their dormant phase or you run the risk of damaging or even killing the lawn entirely. Top dressing for nutrients can be applied at any time.

The amount of fertilizer need to maintain lush green grass depends on how rich the underlying soil is, and if you occasionally leave the clippings on the lawn, which help top up the soil nutrients.  Do not overfeed because it can result in weak growth and fungal problems.

Water deeply to encourage deep root growth. Frequent shallow waterings encourage weed germination, and they also cause the grass plants' roots to grow shallow, leaving the plant more susceptible to drought and to certain diseases. Watering only when your grass really needs it encourages the roots to grow deeper, but only if you apply enough water each time to penetrate the root zone.

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