Monday 16 September 2013

16/09/2013 - 20/09/2013 Work Experience in Botanical Garden

Actual Temperature
11degrees Celsius
Humidity : 82%
Rainfall : 0.4mm
Wind : Moderate Wind

Dunedin Botanic Garden - Rose & Herbaceous Collection from Monday to Friday woking hours 8.00 am to 4.30pm. It is from traditional beds to naturalistic plant collections integrated with their wild forest surrounds which covers 28 hectares with species roses, old garden roses and modern roses.  My work experience was with Curator Linda Hellyer.

My first day @ Monday 16/09/2013 was reporting to Linda and she explained on the safety procedures and my first task on Rose Collection was pruning Penstemon "Garnet" (Beard Tongue) known as "Andenken an Friedrich Hahn" a fully hardly perennial semi evergreen.

After the smoke break at 3.00pm then I started to weed the rose bed and remove all the dead leaves, weeds and debris. At 4.00pm we clean all the tools and placed in  the shelf to finished the day.

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